Website Security

From account pages to shopping cart checkout, our SSL Certificates let your customers know their private data is protected and your website is trustworthy.


Secure your website with an SSL certificate

Have you ever noticed the lock icon in the top left corner of a website next to the URL? That little lock means that the website has a secure connection and an SSL certificate. Customers recognize that little lock icon and are more likely to share their information with you knowing that it's safe and secure.

In addition to keeping your customers' data safe, your own business data is protected, as well. See what else SSL website security can do for you.




How much does SSL
website security cost?

There are many different types of SSL certificates to accomodate different small business website security needs.

See which package makes sense for you below:


For a 1-year term*
$ 7.49 Monthly
  • Recommended for personal websites, blogs or forums with no transactions
  • Domain Validation
  • $10k USD warranty


For a 1-year term*
$ 9.99 Monthly
  • Recommended for eCommerce websites and medium-sized businesses
  • Organization Validation
  • $250k USD warranty


For a 1-year term*
$ 24.17 Monthly
  • Recommended for large websites and eCommerce sites exchanging information from several different locations of subdomains
  • Domain Validation
  • $10k USD warranty


For a 1-year term*
$ 19.99 Monthly
  • Recommended for businesses that require the highest level of website security, only certain businesses qualify
  • Full Business Validation
  • $1.5 Million USD warranty

*Pricing reflects the monthly cost when purchasing in-full, upfront, for a one year term. This service is on auto-renew. Customers on a monthly billing cycle are billed every four weeks. Pricing is subject to change at the sole discretion of Certificates purchased for more than a one (1) year term must be re-validated annually.To speak to a customer service representative about your SSL website security needs call (44) 75-3718-6889.

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An SSL Certificate is the electronic counterpart to a passport or a driver’s license. It is a digital certificate you install on the server that hosts your website. SSL Certificates have two primary functions:

  • To authenticate the identity of your website to visiting browsers and your identity or business to the visiting customer, and 
  • To “encrypt” – or protect – private information that’s exchanged on your site, such as credit card numbers or customer account information. 

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, which is the technology used to protect private information on your site. 

In today’s environment, online customers are more wary than ever of internet fraud, identity theft and “phishing” schemes. Installing the proper security and validation for your site is essential to gaining your customers’ trust, and for letting potential customers know your site is a secure place where they can exchange confidential information, purchase products and services, and complete secure transactions.

When you have an SSL Certificate installed on your server, your site will display three instantly recognizable symbols that let customers know your site is secure: 

  • A padlock symbol that appears in their web browser when your site is opened. 
  • The “https” prefix in front of your URL address in the browser. 
  • A Site Seal that appears on your website. 

Essential: Recommended for personal websites, blogs or forums that need basic encryption and have no transactions.

Premium: Recommended for eCommerce websites with ~50-250 transactions per month, as well as medium sized businesses.

WildCard: Recommended for customers who require encryption on a subdomain. A subdomain is part of a root domain and is typically separated by a “.” in the URL. 

Extended Validation: Recommended for businesses that require the highest level of website security, only certain businesses qualify.


Validation is the process of having your domain and business or individual identity authenticated by a Certificate Authority. It’s similar to a driver’s license, or any official document that provides you with proof of your identity and credentials. Once your Certificate is installed on your server, customers can view your authenticated information by clicking on the padlock symbol in the browser or on the Site Seal – this will automatically display your qualifications to the public, similar to how professionals hang framed copies of licenses, degrees and other credentialing documents on their office walls. 

The following are approximate processing times for validation and issuance of SSL Certificates: 

Essential SSL Certificate (Domain ownership validation): In most cases instant validation. 

Premium SSL Certificate (Domain and Business and/or individual validation): 1 business day. Validation times can vary depending on the documents you provided.

Extended Validation SSL Certificate: 4-5 business days. Validation times largely depend on the documentation provided by the customer.

Extended Validation is the highest level of validation any business can receive. The EV application is more extensive than other certificates. For this reason it has a slightly longer validation time. The following types of entities may qualify for Extended Validation: 

  • Corporation/Limited Liability Company 
  • Sole Proprietorship/Unincorporated Business 
  • Government Organization 
  • NGO/International Treaty Organization 

A subdomain is part of a root domain and is typically separated by a “.” in the URL. Subdomains allows website owners to create new areas of their website for users, separate from their main website. For example, eCommerce websites could create a subdomain for the checkout area of their website. The subdomain might look something like: By putting the checkout section of a website on a subdomain, website owners could buy a separate SSL certificate with added security for that section only. If you have multiple subdomains, buy an SSL certificate that accomodates your situation.

Encryption changes data into a form that can only be read by the intended receiver.

It used to be that only eCommerce sites or websites that manage the exchange of sensitive, private information regulated by laws such as HIPAA or FERPA used data encryption security. Today, prominent browsers and search engines that want to ensure they refer their customers—searchers—to trusted sites have begun placing alerts and warnings on unsecured http-only websites. With hacking and large-scale data breaches on the rise, it is best practice for any website that interacts with customer data to be protected via an SSL Certificate.

HostClouder uses 256-Bit encryption, which refers to the size of the decryption key used to unscramble encrypted data. 256-Bit encryption is considered computationally infeasible to crack and is known as a very strong SSL security.

All SSL certificates come with a warranty. You can be 100% sure that you and your customers are protected on your website. The warranty is different for each SSL website security package. The amount represents the maximum site visitors could receive in compensation for a loss. Here is a list of warranties included with our SSL certificates: 

Essential: $10,000 USD Warranty 

Premium: $250,000 USD Warranty 

Wildcard: $250,000 USD Warranty 

Extended Validation: $1.5 Million USD Warranty 

The amounts above represent the maximum amount site visitors may receive in compensation for a loss.